Saturday 29 October 2011


Cufflinks rarely need cleaning however the times when they are most likely to get dirty is when they are stored for long periods of time without use or if, for example they have been unintentionally brushed against food or had drink spilled on them.

It is better to maintain and keep cufflinks in good order on a regular basis, i.e. each time they are used, rather than to let them deteriorate significantly as to return them to a clean state will then require more vigorous attention, which may not be good for the surface of any precious metals or gemstones.

Before cleaning it is always adviseable to inspect them for damage and if any damage is found have the repairs carried out.  Carefully check the security of any gemstones and the workings of the swivel bar if this is the style of cufflink you have.

Whenever you are cleaning cufflinks, as with any piece of jewellery, consider the surface metal before deciding on a cleaning agent as strong cleaning agents made damage some surfaces.  Always check the use instructions on the cleaning agent for suitability and if in doubt firstly clean a small area which is not prominent, such as on the back.  This will give an idea as to whether the cleaning agent is suitable but you may need to leave for a short while incase there is a delayed reaction.

Simple soap and water will clean a great deal of dirt and grime off the cufflinks but to get a deeper clean you may need to buy a specialist jewellery cleaning fluid.  Never use bleach or abrasive chemical substances as this is likely to ruin the surface finish, especially if they are made of a precious metal.  If you need to use a brush to scrub them do not use a course bristle, use a soft bristle brush.  Preferably use a cotton cloth as much as possible.

Two methods to thoroughly clean cufflinks: -

1)         Dip and Brush
A gentle soap solution is sufficient enough.  Dilute a small quantity of powdered soap in warm water and mix completely.  If the cufflinks have unsightly stains, you can add a small amount of vinegar or glass cleaner.  Immerse the engraved cufflinks into the cleaning solution and leave for a short while to let the cleaning solution soften the dirt. Using an old soft bristle tooth brush and very gently clean off the cufflinks.

2)         Clean and wipe
Soak the cufflinks in the cleaning fluid for several minutes and the carefully wipe using a cotton cloth.

After using the cleaning fluid it is important to clean off any residue with clean water and dry thoroughly with a soft clean cloth.  Do not leave them to air dry as this may induce oxidation.

You may also wish to polish them with a soft polishing cloth to finish the job.

If cleaned and maintained regularly cufflinks should last a very long time and continue to look good.


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