Wednesday 16 May 2012

Wedding plans turning into disasters?

We at would like to think we can assist you with any of your dilemmas so below we have selected just a few to help you along the path of destruction into the light of day…

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Are you a laid back bride who leaves everything to the last minute and then you cannot cram it all in before the big day, follow these simple steps..

Tackle a task one at a time with a ten minute rule.  This way you will feel productive and in control.

Get your pen and paper out and write up list for each task, once you have completed one list reward yourself with a cuppa and a biscuit. 

Talk to your married friends, get ideas of what was on their lists and work together

Do you find your mind wandering on the more exciting tasks for the wedding then the boring mundane ones, follow our steps...

Enlist in a super-organised friend, they can help write the list and keep you on track

Make a monthly list of tasks and pin them to your fridge

Once you have booked your appointments, cross is off your list and cherish in the moment that you’ve got that done

Are you a worrier, do you over analyse every detail? follow these steps…

You need to take up a plan and relax approach.  Plan all the major things like church/venue, food, cake, dresses and cars, then let everything else fall in to place (we promise it will)

Try to be sensitive when it comes to the man in your life, he doesn’t want to marrying a bridezilla by any means.  Remember to take time out for the two of you and not talk wedding stuff.

Make a list of the priorities for the day and keep this on your fridge, this will remind you for when the flowers do not match the colour of the ribbon, as long as the main things happen (for example husband arriving) then everything else hails insignificants.

Are the all about the fun and not so much about the paperwork, follow these steps to get you organised…

Make two lists of jobs “what you want to do” and “what needs to be done” then for every job that needs to be done you can reward yourself with a job which you want to do.

Thought about sharing the load?  Find out what talents your friends and family have and see if they can help with the invitations or favours.  You never know what talents they have until you ask.

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