Wednesday 16 May 2012

Exercise routines to enhance your wedding dress figure

No matter what style wedding dress you have chosen we at are here to help you enhance your figure:

Do you have a backless dress?  You will need to look work on your back and the glute muscles and backs of your arms.
FITNESS: Lie on your front and draw your navel to your spine.  Place your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart and bent at the elbow, with palms facing down and your thumbs towards each other.  Breathe in to prepare and, as you breathe out, slowly life your head and shoulders, keeping your eyes on the ground.  Squeeze your shoulder blades together – your thumbs will turn our and slightly towards the ceiling.  Slower lower back.  Do two sets of 10 to 1 reps. (Don’t forget: keep your neck long as you raise your head and shoulders so you don’t compress your spine)

Do you have a strapless dress? You will need to work on your muscles of the chest and triceps.
FITNESS: Start with your hands and knees on the floor, hands slightly wider than your shoulders.  Keep your knees on the ground for your first set.  Breathe in and bend your elbows out to the sides, moving your chest between your hands.  Hover, then breathe out as your straighten your arms and push up.  After 10 reps, lift your knees, lower your hips slightly and take the hands and upper body further forwards to there is diagonal line from your heat to your knees.  Do 10 more, breathing the same way.  Each week add two extra press ups to the second set. (Don’t forget: protect your back by drawing your navel to your spine)

Do you have a short dress?  You will need to work on your leg muscles including your quads, hamstrings and calves.
FITNESS: Start in a standing position, hands on waist.  Take a big step forward with your right leg and bend both knees.  Return to standing and repeat on the other side.  Do 10 lunges on each on each leg then progress to the power lunge.  Jump one leg forwards and the other one back at the same time.  You may find it hard to balance, so remember to keep tall through your torso, with your shoulders back and down. (Don’t forget: at the bottom of the lunge, keep your knees in line with your toes and ankles – don’t let them stray over or linger behind.  Aim to make two right angles)

Do you have a slinky dress? You will need to work on a pert bottom, and strengthening your back and thighs.
FITNESS: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat and hip-width apart.  Keep your arms by your side, palms facing up, shoulders relaxed and drawn away from your ears.  Breathe in to prepare and as your breathe our, squeeze your bum and roll your spine off the floor until your hips are in line with your shoulders and knees.  Hold for three seconds, then roll back down slowly.  Repeat four more times.  For your second set, repeat the exercise but keep your ankles, knees and inner thighs glued together throughout. (Don’t forget: when you’re complete the set, hug your knees to your chest)

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